just a girl

Perception is in the head.

My Photo
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I feel compelled to record stuff...unremarkable as it may seem...

Sunday, September 04, 2005

A Gathering of the minds

Well, alot of people feel that Labour Day weekend is the last weekend of an era. A kind of end to summer and new beginnings in the fall. It seems to be a good time to learn new things and buckle down to more serious projects. It can be a very inspiring time of year. Nature is at its peak and its a wonderful time for a family get together. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family and it is fun to see everyone. Lets look forward to a beautiful autumn.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

A Wonderful Family

Hi There, I feel very lucky to have such a great family. I have a great husband and 2 sons and 2 step sons. I am just a little outnumbered. We need some wives soon... love you all...

Living in Bradford, Ontario

Well, I wish Bradford had some little cafe's like these in Portugal where you could just sit on the street and watch people go by. Toronto has some good cafe's but it seems the suburbs are missing this aspect of life. Don't get me wrong, there are some nice things about Bradford, and suburbs in general, such as less traffic and less conjestion, but we are missing an important part of everyday life here. People need places to walk and talk. People need to get out and socialize together, and have streets to walk and meet on. The smallest towns where I was in Portugal all had this wonderful aspect. People were out walking at night, meeting in cafe's, and generally moving their bodies more just by the mere way of life. The coffee was really good there too, maybe thats why everyone was out more. They were high on caffeine!

Friday, September 02, 2005

This is a typical street in Portugal Posted by Picasa